Monday, May 4, 2009

Eps' Take on the Hustle

I disagree a little bit with my brother C-Nel on this subject. I guess my teaching experience has colored my view

I personally find it more difficult to teach someone how to hustle. Teaching has taught me that. I find it so so so much easier to deal with kids who may lack skills but are hustlers. They want to learn. They have a drive to succeed. That gives me a great starting point to work with.

But if a kid is smart and has no motivation, that is waaaaaaaaay more difficult to work with. Not having that drive, that willingness to work hard is a killer. You can have few skills but be a hard worker and get by. If you dont have any motivation to work hard but is bright as a light bulb, you are going to eventually hit a ceiling. 

Tp put it simply, you can never knock the hustle...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Having The Skill vs. Having The Hustle (C. Nel's Take)

Three days ago my good friend Epsilonicus and I engaged in a vigorous debate about which makes a person more successfull being skillful or being a hustler.

My contention was that there are people who can be successful if they have one and not the other. I actually think we may have agreed on that point. But back to my theory or theories as it relates to the issue at hand.

Every day I see examples of people who know a whole lot, but wouldn't know a day of hard work if it kicked em square in the forehead.

At the same time I often see people who work very hard but aren't the brighest or most skilled. Yet in some cases these people still meet great success.

Epsi said he believe it easier to teach skill than hustle, I think it depends entirely on which skills you're trying to teach.

Epsi tried to get indignant and say his nearly year of teaching made him an expert. W/E I have worked with kids of all ages extensively as well. Some people can be taught effectively how to hustle, and some kids can be taught more effectively how to ace a test.

I think that if one can help it they should aim to have both the skill and the hustle, luckily I think I have both, or am wise enough to try to develop even more as a skillful person and a hustling person.

C. Nel